- Nicera代理商 -

NiCERA RE200GE/RE200B Upgrade

Nicera continues to develop hardware and software cultivated for the survival of human beings, and constantly strives to improve on a global scale, aiming to create a more comfortableliving environment.


The core products of Nicera are ceramics and semiconductor materials: infrared sensors are used to protect property and life; ultrasonic sensors are used for nursing safety and anti-theft; gas sensors help to maintain a clean environment, etc. In addition, our products are also indispensable electronic components for use in computers and mobile communications.


With Nicera's hardware as a key component, Nicera promotes business development with partners around the world. Nicera's smart pioneer products, such as automatic lighting and air purifiers, are manufactured and promoted by Nicora, making them possible household names.

Nicera is presently engaged in the business of ultrasonic sensor manufacturing and trading of related electronic components/products. Certainly, with the employment of technically able and motivated workforce, it would strengthen further its youthful business on new product development. Expectantly, these would expand in the succeeding years.

Nicera Philippines is still expanding to cover a wider array of ultrasonic sensor products.

謙實業致力於滑動開關的研究和製造多年,開發出諸多滑動開關產品,並在業內享有盛名。我們為廣大顧客提供的滑動開關(SLIDE SWITCH)包括SS系列、SK系列及MINI/DETECTOR系列,並廣泛應用於各式消費性產品、電腦3C週邊、醫療產品及監視安防器材等方面。除了滑動開關,Nicera代理商,立謙還為您提供TACT SWITCH、HOOK SWITCH,以及DC POWER JACK、PHONE JACK、RCA JACK等系列開關與插座產品。 因此,Nicera代理商,如果您在滑動開關方面有任何的需求,請與我們聯絡,立謙高品質,低價格的優質產品將全面滿足您的需求。


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